How to Beat Job Search Overwhelm: Tips for Creative Leaders & Job Seekers

Let’s get real—there’s a ton of noise out there. Jobs? No jobs. Business booming? Business flopping. For every headline screaming about growth, there’s another warning you to brace for impact. Add all that to an already chaotic job search or an overworked team, and you’ve hit peak overwhelm.

“If we're not keeping pace with the ever-changing world, we risk being deemed irrelevant. How do you get comfortable with not knowing?”

— Rimma Boshernitsan, Advisor & CEO, DIALOGUE

So, what’s the magic answer? Simple: keep going. Here's how to ditch the overwhelm and stay in the game:

For Creative Leaders & Hiring Managers:

1. Get Organized

A flooded job market means more resumes than you can count. You can’t afford to lose track of those star candidates referred by your network or HR. Lucky for you, I’ve created a Candidate Tracker just for Hiring Managers. Don’t let top talent slip through the cracks—reach out for your own copy.

2. Level Up

The time to grow is now. Look into leadership training for yourself and your team. Here are my go-tos for keeping your competitive edge sharp:

“Being a great leader isn’t rocket science. But it does require effort. And even the best are always working on it.”

— Chris Danton of IN GOOD CO

For Job Seekers & Career Dreamers:

1. Get Sorted

First things first—you NEED to stay organized. I created the Keva Dine Jobs Tracker to help you manage all your job applications in one place. Email for a copy!

Pro Tip: The average job seeker applies to 27 jobs before landing an interview. Don’t lose track—get organized, stay sharp.

2. Personal Branding = Your Superpower

It’s time to treat your career updates like a full-on rebrand. YOU are the brand, and it’s time to craft a killer personal story that sticks. Need help? Don’t sweat it. Here’s how:

  • Work with a Coach: Need a pro to help you craft your brand story? I’ve got you.

  • Or, book a session with Amy K—she’s all about helping you crush your growth moment.


Culture Fit Is Everything: How Creative Leaders & Job Seekers Can Align for Success


Surviving the Creative Burnout Crisis: How Leaders & Job Seekers Can Thrive Amid Chaos