Culture Fit Is Everything: How Creative Leaders & Job Seekers Can Align for Success

Creative Leaders & Hiring Managers: Time to Stop Copy-Paste Culture

You want the perfect culture fit? It all starts with your job description. So, no more copy-pasting old JDs.

A job description isn’t just a list of tasks—it’s branding for your team and company. If you’re not intentional, you’ll end up with misaligned candidates who don't fit your culture or the current market.

Here’s how to align your next hire with your culture:

  1. Core Competencies: List the skills and duties that will define success in the role.

  2. Cultural Fit: Outline the attributes a candidate needs to thrive in your company culture.

  3. Stack Rank It: Run your list through a stack rank exercise with your team or recruiter to ensure alignment.

  4. Recruiter Check: Consult a seasoned recruiter to ensure your wishlist matches the available talent pool.

  5. Edit & Publish: Tweak based on feedback, then repeat steps 1–4.

💡 Exclusive Workshop: Need help building team culture? Keva Dine Agency teamed up with Kirsten Ludwig & Christina Danton of OfiOfo for a 3-part offsite workshop.

Define, align, and build your team’s culture from the ground up.

Time to rally the troops!

Job Seekers & Career Dreamers: Stack Rank or Bust

If you're applying to any job that "seems like a fit" without a Stack Rank List, you're wasting time.

Not only that, but each time you hit "like," tag yourself, or slide into DMs without doing the work—you’re wrecking your
Personal Brand. 😬

How to Create Your Stack Rank List:

  1. Wish List: Write down 15 things you want in your next role.

  2. Non-Negotiables: Star the must-haves.

  3. Nice-to-Haves: Mark the rest with a +.

  4. Edit & Organize: Re-read, tweak, and reorganize.

  5. Test It: Run it by a trusted friend or partner.

  6. Read Daily: Keep it front and center in your job search.

Before you apply for a job, hold that role up against your Stack Rank List. Does it check off at least 70% of your list? If not, move on.

💡 Pro Tip: Aligning on culture fit starts with you. Your Stack Rank List is your roadmap—use it to target roles that align with your goals and values.

📈 Tap into The Keva Dine Agency:

With 23 years in the game and $400+ million in client growth, we know talent. Your job description is our creative brief. We find the perfect match to take your business to the next level.

👉 Secret to Success? Customized Talent Scout Retainers.

Book a Call: Let’s drive your business forward.


How to Beat Job Search Overwhelm: Tips for Creative Leaders & Job Seekers