Surviving the Creative Burnout Crisis: How Leaders & Job Seekers Can Thrive Amid Chaos

Heads up, folks! These survey results might just make you rethink your entire strategy, whether you’re a manager or on the job hunt. But don’t panic — there’s light at the end of this crazy tunnel, and I’ve got proactive tips to help you stay ahead of the bad news.

I recently polled 4,000 of my fellow Creative Industry Leaders & Hiring Managers, and the results are, well… mixed. Spoiler alert: the creative and marketing industry is an unpredictable rollercoaster, and it’s not slowing down.

💬 “Creatives are overworked, and teams are seriously understaffed. I mean, what were companies even thinking? Let’s just burn everyone out, right? 🤦‍♀️”

— Robin Fischman, Career Coach / Talent Acquisition Director

The Brutal Truth:

  • Layoffs and hiring freezes in Q1 and Q2. Sluggish Q3. TBD Q4. Yikes.

  • 70% of my network are actively planning their next move. 😬

  • Workloads are skyrocketing with fewer staff, more strategies, and a big shift to in-house creative teams.

  • Burnout is very real.

So, what can you do about it?

I’ve tapped into my network of Creative Leaders, Hiring Managers, and job-seeking creatives to dish out some tips and insider intel. Read on for how to get through this madness:

For Creative Leaders & Hiring Managers: Keep Your Talent Happy!

Instead of stressing about getting it all done, focus on keeping your current team intact. Because, spoiler alert: some of them are already planning their exit.

Here’s what the smart leaders are doing right now:

  • 1:1s are non-negotiable. Schedule them today. Ask how your team is doing. Listen.

  • Stop, Start, Keep. Ask them what they need you to stop doing, start doing, and keep doing. Take notes.

  • Talent Review. Identify key players and potential flight risks. Can you shift talent to cover gaps? Do it.

  • Use freelancers. If hiring is on hold, bring in freelance or contract talent to avoid burnout. I mean, a client of mine just sped up a product launch with a killer freelance UX/UI designer and came in ahead of schedule. 🎯

For Job Seekers & Career Dreamers: Time to Take Charge

If your current job is burning you out and your manager hasn’t taken action, it’s time for you to step up:

  • Book a 1:1 with your manager. Lay out what you bring to the table and highlight your key contributions.

  • Organize a team review for them — make yourself invaluable.

  • Daily task log. Document everything you do. It’ll come in handy for resume updates or to show your boss what you handle.

  • Update your portfolio. If it’s over a year old, this is your sign. (Pro tip: Check out Semplice.)

  • Find your people. Laid of Life is one of my faves. And not just because of this.

Want a free website audit? Email my team your updated site with “Loom” in the subject line, and you might just get a surprise audit on the house.

Alright, that’s a wrap (for now). But trust me, that’s more than enough to get you started! Let’s face it: the game is tough right now, but if you’re prepared, you’ll come out on top.


How to Beat Job Search Overwhelm: Tips for Creative Leaders & Job Seekers


Proven Strategies for Job Seekers and Career Dreamers