Get Noticed with
a LinkedIn Profile that ROCKS!

You have 20 seconds to get noticed.
Does your profile have what it takes?

(We did!)

”Who knew my LinkedIn profile was standing in the way of job opportunities? Abigail at The Keva Dine Agency did!”

Sylvie, Creative Operations

Who Knew?!!

So now what should you do?

You could ask your friends.
But, what do they know?


You can get a real recruiter with years of experience to perform a complete audit and give expert advice.

Don’t get passed over for the jobs you really want.

Get found.
Get the Call. Get Hired.

If you ask us, here is what you'll get:

  • Your personalized step-by-step KDA LinkedIn Tune-Up Action Guide.

  • 15-minute pre-recorded personalized video including:

    • Tips to improve your messaging response

    • Ways to gain a competitive advantage

    • LinkedIn best practices

    • Profile optimization

Get a LinkedIn Tune-Up from the Recruiting experts

Tier 1



Tier 2

for $50

*gets you more time, deeper dives into
strategy & insider intel plus Keva insights

*Services provided exclusively by The Keva Dine Agency team of Recruiters. Services delivered via email within one work week post your completed form and payment.

Tier 3

for $150 more*

*everything from Tier 1 & 2 PLUS Keva does initial
deep dive and reviews with the whole team
for agency-wide insights

”Mel’s LinkedIn Tune-Up blew me away. She offered clear, concise, and surprisingly easy updates to make my LinkedIn page more recruiter friendly. I highly recommend a LinkedIn tune-up with Mel.

She's a pro!”

— Harriet Grant, Creative Director

Blown Away!!

“One session with Keva catalyzed me into action with my book launch. Her advice was clear, concrete and immediately actionable.”

—Tali Edut, Founder, AstroTwins

Ready. Set. Go!


Recruiter-Powered Newsletter built for Creative Leaders + Career Dreamers. Insights, industry trends, and tips from Keva Dine.